(Photo from iStockphoto)
The below quote is from Blake Jennelle (The Blog) – a blog I stumbled upon today:
“The difference between Olympians and everyone else is not that they don’t feel pain and panic, because they do. It’s that they want something so badly that they are willing to feel pain and panic as the price of admission. Sometimes everyday.
Being an Olympian is a choice, and it’s not for everyone. It’s a choice to endure intensely human pain to achieve super human things. That’s why Olympians are worthy heroes. That’s also why the world desperately needs more of them.”
More often than not, the “intense human pain” is inertia. Inertia holds us back to status quo & stops us from taking the necessary steps towards what could be – “super human things”. The reason it is termed “super” is because so few make the choice.