Though I am a bigger fan of Aamir, I have to admit that I am very impressed by SRK’s tweets.

Below are a few of his tweets on the recent Sena furore. What a contrast these are as compared to some of the crass utterings you get hear from the Sena’s mouthpiece.
iamsrk: sad my statements are seen as a stand against a group instead of a stand for myself and my individuality.
iamsrk: differences in ideology should be grounds for debates & discussion. a must for freedom of thought. to see it any other way is so unfortunate.
Those who stand up for themselves are rare …even rarer are those who stand for their beliefs when bullies are all over them. The least we can do is to lend our voice or support to this rare breed.
What say?
Absolutely agree! At the face of attack and violence, boycott and loss of money blah blah, definitely salute Shahrukh for standing up for himself and what he opines. Hope the Senas under different names in different states, don't make us Indians refugees in our own Motherland.