Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan)
Often, I hear folks (even those in their 30s, if not more) express frustration & cynicism about the fallouts of our increasingly digital lives. E-commerce, social networking, data privacy, personal broadcasting, “what’s the point”, etc. are issues these folks grapple with. In this context, its a whiff of fresh air to read Amitabh Bachchan’s tweets. Below is an unedited sampling of his recent tweets:
T 202 -Just back from gym .. struggling to get the weight down and tone up body … but will and must do it !!
T 202 – Get up and saddle the horse that has just thrown you off to the ground and ride it again into a gallop, to your destination …
T 202 – We need to keep at it again and again – some thing will surely give !
T 202 – Social networking, dear fellow tweeters – a power bigger than any else it was ever imagined to be …
T 202 – Your networking compels .. it comments, gives opinion, makes corrections, passes judgement, changes decisions and misguided values !
T 202 – Your networking corrects errors .. builds bridges, forms communities, spreads friendship, strengthens bonds .. creates awareness ..!
T 202 -NETWORKING ji !! I salute you ! Mankind discovered and built it .. Mankind propels it ..No where today do we connect thus ..!!
Tone up the body? Advocating the benefits of social networking to a nation whose latest claim to fame is its young age? And this coming from a gentleman who is all of 68 years young!!
The tweets reflect his childlike amazement of the phenomenon. He not only “gets” social networking & leverages it for his benefit, but also evangelizes the phenomenon amongst his fraternity. From a young nation’s perspective, such active adoption of the changing times (& technology) bodes well.
- it is an effective way for the ageing population to stay relevant (& thus contribute longer)
- it helps reduce the gap between generations (& thus makes for a more homogeneous nation building work force)
- adopting change & active learning helps keep the physical faculties in working condition longer
Bollywood has many stars ..and some SUPER STARS!
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