Year End Ctrl-Alt-Del

  • Reflect on the past year & revise your resume to update with your progress from the year. This is something that I had not done for a while now – got it done this time. For some external inputs on doing this, check this Monster article.
  • If you are planning on including some personal branding in your CV, check out this recording from the Brand You World – Global Summit.


  • Every once in a while, you should force yourself to eject out of your daily routine to get a chopper view of where you are headed in life. Are you happy with the way things are going? If yes, refocus on the path. Else, start looking for a new story (as elaborated in Hack Yourself). No one but you can do this.

Tip to address information overload

Information. Information. Information.

Like everyone else, I am daunted by this overload every day.
How does one cope with it?
By believing in the adage –
The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention.

Ask yourself this question every time you start reading something new – how will I be able to use this information over the next few days? If you don’t have an answer, you are better off letting go of this information (in most of the cases).

The topic of Customer Centricity has been an area of interest for me in the recent past. They is enough & more information available on the topic. So the last few months I have just been collecting articles, white papers, blog feeds, etc. And I am realising that unless I put the information to use within the first few days of getting the info, it is of little use to me w/o having to go through the information again.

Going forward, every time I start reading something, I will ask myself the question
How will I put this information to use in the next few days?