Get Coached by Marshall Goldsmith

How about getting coached by one of the best executive coach there is?

This is exactly what could happen if you leveraged on Marshall Goldsmith’s online library.
His ideas are insightful & absolutely helpful to anyone who wants to be better.
Th content he has shared is tremendous.
Check it out at

“Change what you can. Make peace with what you can’t change.”

Yet another of those treasure troves on the web. You benefit from a mind that only the CEOs or a lucky few had access to before.

What Will You Regret?

In your experience, what are the biggest regrets people have at the end of their careers? What do people wish they had learned sooner?

I came across this great question on Ask the Coach blog at HBP. My main take aways from the response:

  • Taking Risks: People don’t regret their failures and that most people wished they had risked more.
  • Work-Life Balance: Listen to your inner voice. If you think your work-life mix is out of whack it probably is.
  • Learning: Smart people never got stuck in a rut; they were always trying to learn from people smarter than themselves.
  • Success: Its absolutely critical to follow your own definition of success.
  • Touching Lives: Most people said it was the things they gave and the people they mentored that give them satisfaction. “The money in your wallet is not the definition of your success but how many lives you touched.”


100 Push Ups Challenge

Inspired by JD’s (, I’m taking on the 100 push-ups challenge too. What is this challenge?
Get in shape to do doing 100 push-ups at a stretch in 6 weeks. This to be done through a specific program –

Since I have been trying a fitness routine over the last few weeks, my initial push ups count was 16. From here I have to go to 100 push-ups in a stretch over the next 6 weeks. 28th July is the d-day.
Why the one hundred push ups program?

  • nothing beats a challenge in trying to get fit
  • 6 weeks – is a nice short period to try a challenge
  • 100 push ups – impressive end result for the challenge

I also have to add that I liked the design of the one hundred push ups site. Its ‘to the point’, not too verbose, simple & professional design, etc.

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