This was my first full year on Instagram. And during the course of the year, Instagram has become the social app I spend most time on. Being a visual person, this is not surprising. What did surprise me is the fact that conversations on this platform are a lot more genuine than on others. Even though there were few of my friends here.
I also love the analytics on tap in the Instagram app. Using it, it was a cinch to identify my top 10 posts of 2017.
Riding Through Twilight Zone
Will I Ever Get Tired Of Sunsets!?!
Greenery. Dramatic Clouds. Handsome Bike. Makes for an awesome bike pic.
All’s Well With The Force In Dam Square
Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, Not because they never found it, But because they didn’t wake up to enjoy it!!
When the sun goes down, And the fire is lit, It’s time for some cozy moments… Even in the middle of the desert.
The Happy Ranger: Dusty hot desert day. Tattered clothes. Much hard work lined up. The laughter though, is no holds barred.
Riding Into The Sunset
If you carry joy in your heart, you can heal any moment.
Quintessential Rajasthan!