
Rangoli is a colourful and very Indian artform that can be used creatively to welcome guests – personal or business.

I have been checking out the Photoshop.com application for the iPhone & the above is a snap that has gone thru it. A recommended application.

Bengaluru Sun Set – Inspired by Ken Rockwell

The first day post the vacation season started off being one of the foggiest in Bengaluru making it difficult for all to make it back to work. The day warmed up soon & ended with a magnificent sun set.

Inspired by some photographic gyan from Ken Rockwell, I indulged with a few settings on my Canon EOS 500D. A sampling of the end result is below :

IMG_1192  IMG_1146

Do note that most of my experiments today were with the white balance settings – as below in this snap.


Email Tips – Call to Action

Working as a technology consultant (specifically data warehousing) a few years ago (6 to be precise), my laptop always had an active Toad window open. Having moved to a client engagement / business development role, Outlook has replaced Toad – whenever I am using a laptop. Considering that I deal with an average of 125 incoming & 50 outgoing mails per day, I must be some kind of an email super user!

Naturally, I read about email tips & tricks all the time. And I thought about listing a few tips that have actually helped me tame the beast & be more effective with emails. Here goes the first of them.

# Call To Action

The number one thing that separates business communication from any story is a call to action. A story is to be enjoyed. The former is intended to get the audience to do something: follow up on an opportunity, hire someone, make organizational change, enrol into a training, get some information, etc. As an email sender, you need to focus on this part of the message that calls for action of the readers.

Question Yourself – What do I want my audience to do after reading my email?
