Common Resume Blunders

My 100th Blog Entry

I have come across many many articles on the subject of effective resumes. This article that I found on Monster today, is probably one of the better artciles around – Common Resume Blunders.  
  1. Too Focused on Job Duties Instead focus on how you made a difference & highlight the achievements. 
  2. Too Short or Too Long Ask yourself “Will this statement help me land an interview?” Every word should sell you, so include only the information that elicits a “yes.” 
  3. Using Personal Pronouns and Articles – no mentions of “I” or “me”. 
  4. Not Including a Summary Section That Makes an Initial Hard Sell – The summary should demonstrate the skill level and experiences directly related to the position being sought.
  5. Not Including Keywords – With so many companies using technology to store resumes, the only hope a job seeker has of being found is to sprinkle relevant keywords throughout the resume. Determine keywords by reading job descriptions that interest you, and include the words you see repeatedly in your resume.
  6. Typos – This document is a reflection of you and should be perfect.

Measure of what you believe is what you do!

The only measure of what you believe is what you do. If you want to know what people believe, don’t read what they write, don’t ask them what they believe, just observe what they do.
I might think a lot of good things. My intent might be very noble. I might have the best of plans. But if all the above doesn’t result in me doing something about them, I truly draw a nought!

So if one claims to have self improvement as a personal value, he/she needs to constantly do things that demonstrate this value. 
I believe in what Mr. Montagu has mentioned ..I truly do. And I would love to live by this belief.

Space Elevator!!

A physical elevator from the earth to space! Eliminating the use of rockets!! Journey to space through via an elevator!!!

Picture courtesy

I have to say the idea blew my mind the first time I read about it. And what amazed me even more was the fact that there are people out there who have thought this idea through to great depths (or heights). Many people actually believe we may see this idea fructify within our lifetimes.

Picture courtesy

A space elevator is a proposed structure designed to transport material from a celestial body‘s surface into space. Many variants have been proposed and all involve traveling along a fixed structure instead of using rocket powered space launch. The concept most often refers to a structure that reaches from the surface of the Earth to geostationary orbit (GSO) and a counter-mass beyond.

Stop waiting for happiness. Happiness is right here, right now.

Stop waiting for happiness. Happiness is right here, right now.

When I became an adult, I couldn’t wait to get a good job. That would surely bring happiness. I couldn’t wait. When I got a good job, I couldn’t wait to get a raise. When I got a raise, I couldn’t wait to get married. When I got married, I couldn’t wait to buy a nicer car. Got the car, then I couldn’t wait to buy a house. When I bought the house, I couldn’t wait to … get out of debt.

I could go on for quite awhile, but you get the point. None of my desires ever produced happiness, because I was stuck in the mindset of wanting more. When I got what I wanted, I wanted something else. My happiness was always on hold, because I was waiting to reach a goal.

Check out Leo’s complete post at Zen Habits

Stop waiting for happiness. Happiness is right here, right now.

Most of Leo’s posts resonate well with me. And he puts it across quite nicely ..hence the simple link to his post.
This particular one sounds like my perfect personal theme for the year 2009.